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The Longest Day at The Clare Estate

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, “The Longest Day is all about love—love for all those affected by Alzheimer’s disease.” The Longest Day took place on the summer solstice, June 21st, 2017, and The Clare Estate participated by raising funds and awareness for care and support while advancing research.

The Clare Estate’s residents engaged in many special activities that day including shades of purple arts and crafts with Lauren, Tai Chi with Sara, purple balloon volleyball with Amber, and purple rock painting with Rachel and Cathy.

A special thank you to our dietary staff for making veggie dip cups for everyone to enjoy! They were delicious! The Clare Estate also sold bracelets that were made by the loving hands of our Anthony’s Walk residents; all proceeds were donated to the Alzheimer’s Association to help advance research. Thank you to everyone who attended! It was a great day.


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